Muse for the day

A young woman handed me a piece of paper in a bar. Turns out it was a sketch of me that she’d been scribbling from across the room, while I was reading a book. I was quite impressed because it captured my profile pretty dang good. By popular demand, here is the sketch:

The Shire has come to Guatemala

About an hour’s drive away from Guatemala’s old capital, Antigua, there is a modest, tranquil vegan bar on the top of a mountain. The views of neighbouring volcanoes are stunning, the drinks sound like Middle Earth, and the front door is round, in the style of little folk. This is Hobbitenango – the perfect place … Continue reading

Golden Gai time

Some of my favourite moments in Tokyo were when I found myself sitting in small bar-restaurants soaking up the local beer, food and culture.  And just to confirm the stereotype, yes these places are full of men in business suits.  After sampling a few in the downtown area, I learned of a fabled little shanty-town … Continue reading